Wednesday, August 16, 2006

When You Go to the Library, Be Sure to Wear a Helmet.

Yesterday was library day. Our books were due, so we went to return them and pick out new ones. While I was emptying the backpack at the returns counter, Violet was behind me, in the stroller, and Amelie was standing behind her. Seemingly out of no where, a boy named Tommy ran, full speed, at Amelie and knocked her down. He was only slightly bigger than her, if at all. I found myself saying,"Oh, my goodness!" as I rushed to pick up my hysterical little girl. Tommy's mom ran over to attempt to wrangle him over for an apology. She successfully prompted him to say "I'm sorry for pushing you" while I was unsuccessful in getting Amelie to say "I forgive you." The mom also apologized to me and I honestly can't remember what I said in return. I hope I accepted. I was so shaken up, as was Amelie. I assured Amelie that she didn't do anything wrong, which was met by another round of hysterics. It was so weird. While the Mama Bear in me wanted to take care of Tommy, the Lord's quick prompting helped me to see it from his mom's perspective. I hope this was an isolated incident for Tommy, but somehow I doubt it. What must life be like with such an impulsive child? I'm sure it would be very difficult. Rather than seethe with anger when thinking about Tommy, I need to pray for him and his parents. It was also a reminder of my lack of control in the lives of my children. Amelie was in a "safe" place where "nothing" could happen to her, right? It was a reminder that there is no safe place and that it is only by God's grace that we ever safely get from here to there. I'm sure there are more lessons to learn from this situation, but I need to go and clean up the blueberry goop in the kitchen while Violet sleeps and Amelie watches Arthur.

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