Sunday, May 20, 2007

Please Pray

Just a quick post to let you know that our Violet Ella is having her tear duct surgery tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. This is a quick, out-patient procedure that requires general anesthesia. Please pray that it would be successful and that the Lord would relieve my anxiety. Thank you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We'll keep your little one in our thoughts and prayers. Remember that GOD IS GOOD. He's trustworthy and faithful and true... all reasons to squelch fear and anxiety. Even in the worst of circumstances-- and the greatest blessings-- God is still good. My David had surgery before he was 2 (a spur removed from his arm) and I was anxious too; the hardest part was when he woke up from the anasthesia (sp) and cried in his confusion. But he was fine... anyway, our pastor has been challenging us on fear lately because it keeps us from trusting that God really does have everything under control; we keep trying to seize the wheel when we don't like the direction. He loves YOU Nancy and he will give you all the strength you need!

let us know how the surgery goes and I hope YOU get a great night of sleep!

Love, chris f

(isn't it amazing that when Peter was in jail, expecting to be exectued the NEXT DAY, he was sleeping so hard that an angel had difficulty waking him up? I wish I could be that anxiety-free.)