Monday, November 26, 2007

Conversations with Linus

I've only hinted at it here, I think, but a source of anxiety for me has been HOW LONG it's taken Linus to start "talking" and smiling. (He'll be three months on Thursday!!) Well, I'm glad to be able to say that he's talking up a storm these days and the smiles are getting more and more plentiful, as well. I caught him on video this evening, while the girls were in the bath--a rare just Mommy and Linus moment. He warms my heart.

1 comment:

Annie said...

It was SO nice to "meet" you (again) last night! It is always encouraging to hear/read about other Moms with young children and how they are surviving! :)
I really enjoy reading your blog! It was great to get to see your kids in person last night after just seeing their pictures until now.