Monday, March 08, 2010


Since it's just about done, I want to share some images of the destruction transformation of our back yard.
I took the first three photos back in December when I noticed the tree cutters a few houses down.  Shortly after the new year, we were asked for our "consent" to remove any and all trees on our property that were taller than and within ten feet of the power lines.  I put that word in quotes because we either had to consent or know that we would be responsible for the cost of any damage that our trees caused to the power lines in the future.  A few people around us are taking that risk.  But it seems that most folks are "consenting." 

We only actually had two trees on our property near the lines and only one had to be removed.  This row of hemlocks belonged to our backyard neighbor.  They had planted the trees many years ago.  They made the "forest" in our backyard.

They provided a lot of shade and a pleasant illusion of being in a more rural area.  Sort of.

In the photo below use the fence and umbrella as a frame of reference.
Really different.



All of the wood piles will be removed in a few weeks, we're told.



Our freighbors have been affected as well.  This is a shot in the direction of their yard.
We're trying to remain positive and flexible.  Honestly, I get a sinking feeling in my gut when I look at these pictures.  There has been some talk with our back yard neighbors about what they're planning on doing to replace the missing trees.  I'll be sure to update once the transformation is complete.  
And the biggest bonus?
With more sunlight, we're BOUND to have a better veggie garden than two summers ago, right?


Mrs. Fix said...

For some reason it's pretty sad to me too. Are you allowed to use any of the wood? Just curious.

Sweet November said...

It is sad; but I guess another positive thing is that they didn't make you pay for the cutting, right?