Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy Father's Day:The Origin

I need to take a step back and share a little video we made back on June 21st. We were on vacation and it was Father's Day.

Soon, I'll share the first installment of Duncan's gift. It involved Amelie and mustaches. So super cute. Can't wait to share.


Mrs. Fix said...

I love the "percussion" provided by Linus during the song. Your family is so precious to me!

tammyo said...

you guys are like the white cosbys! i used to love it when they'd do their little birthday singing shows! ;)

Sweet November said...

I had the same thought as Rachel...:)

Hey, if you have any weekends where you aren't going to a baseball game, we'd love to get together. This weeekend and next are open for us.

Lynn said...

Love the baseball bat drummer boy in the background. Good job learning the words, girls!