Tuesday, July 15, 2014

18 Months and Counting Down...

It's started.  I often feel crummy.  I get winded when walking up the stairs.  I lack energy.  Getting off of the floor can be difficult.  And this girl isn't getting any younger.  
So, I was thinking...

Today is July 15, 2014.  That means it is exactly 18 months, or a year and a half, until my 40th birthday. About three years ago, I resolved to get "Fit by Forty."  Well, it ain't happened yet.  Therefore, as this date approached (my half birthday, if you will), I have a renewed resolve.  

I hearby resolve to "Get Fit" and will spend the next 18 months (and the God-given months to follow), getting and striving to remain "fit."  

So if you see me, in person (or by email, text or FB message) please ask me about my resolve.  Ask me how my plans are going.  I've tried (and failed) at just about everything you've heard of and more.  And I think I may have just encountered the BEST PLAN YET.  (And no, it doesn't involve buying supplements or special products AT ALL.  In involves FOOD and EXERCISE.  Imagine that?!?!)  

So, here goes, I guess.....
(cringes as she pushes "publish")


Unknown said...

yay! nancy! i've been trying to get fit as well. i dread the workout every day, but i feel better than i have for awhile...

Mrs. Fix said...

Go Nancy Go! I'm excited about this and I wanna hear your plan. :)