Duncan forced us to take the leap on Saturday morning from diapers to big girl underpants. He felt that all Amelie might need was a push and some self-confidence. I think he may have been right! There were two accidents on Saturday and none yesterday or today. Yesterday, we went to church, Amelie sans diapers, but with two changes of clothes, towels, plastic bags, etc. Fortunately, we needed none of it. Amelie sat on the big potties in both the ladies' room and the men's room at church countless times in the morning, never "went," but remained dry all morning. We put her in a diaper for her nap, but when she woke up, it was practically dry. She sat on the potties several times at church, when we went back in the evening for hymn sing and "went" once. Probably the most exciting thing was that she woke up this morning with a completely dry diaper! We couldn't believe it. She peed first thing this morning, wore underpants all day (even for a short nap) and stayed dry. We're all very excited. We felt confident enough about the situation to go out to dinner tonight. On the car ride there, I explained to Amelie that if she needed to use the potty, we'd have to use the one at the restaurant. Her answer to that was: "They have a potty at the restaurant?" Oh, my dear Amelie...if you're anything like your mommy, you will become an expert on public restrooms, who has the best and which ones to avoid. The fun is just beginning, sweet girl!
Hi Nancy,
How awesome about Amelie using the potty! We're still gearing up for that here with Zechariah. He did poop tonight before bed, but he's only interested in the handwashing portion of the bathroom experience. We're doing well and really enjoyed getting your Christmas acrostic! It was great to learn what you've all been up to lately. Hope to talk to you soon. Lisa
i wish i could see the world through amelie's eyes...she has such and amazing perspective, even more than other almost-3-yr-olds...."there's a potty at the restaurant!" - that's great!
Lisa-Thanks for your comment! Potty training continues--sometimes well, sometimes not. (an accident in Pottery Barn Kids on Saturday night and one in the church nursery on Sunday. Grrr.) Currently we're working on Amelie INITIATING. She go when we tell her to but she rarely will tell us she has to go on her own. In time, I suppose. Hand washing is fun--what's wrong with you, Mom? :-)
Heather--You're sweet! I'm glad you appreciate Amelie stories. I hope to get together with you before you go back to work.
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