Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Whole Harvest

I accordance with trying to eat all foods organic and/or less processed, we decided to start a very small vegetable garden this year. And when I say small, I mean very small. Four plants small. A friend gave us some of her extra seedlings, and while she had more than four, we wanted to start out small. (I'm not known for my gardening successes.) Three of the plants she gave us were of three different varieties of tomatoes and one was a bell pepper plant.

Only two of four plants took and they were both tomatoes. They grew and grew veeeeeeerrrryyyy slooooooooowly all summer long. Finally, in August, we noticed some little tiny Roma tomatoes starting to grow. We've watched them over several weeks. This week they are FINALLY ripe enough to pick! I'm afraid the four green ones you can see won't ripen before it frosts, but we'll see.

I'm guessing it took so long for them to grow because the spot they are in doesn't get enough sunlight. And the problem is, I think it's the sunniest spot in our yard! So, our gardening experiment will have to continue next year--when we'll be REALLY adventurous and maybe start six or even eight plants!

I was trying to get a picture of two of my cuties with the tomatoes and this is was they gave me. You can't even see the tomatoes!!

Not-so-green thumbs up!


Erin said...

wow...great post! I miss those kiddos--cute picture! Thank goodness you got skype :-)

ChrisandMissy said...

I'm impressed. I tried something similar (just a couple pots of herbs) and after four months I've got garnish for two plates, maybe.
I love the girls' cute poses. =)

CA Skellys said...

I'm proud and impressed! We tried gardening and got a few herbs but snails ate our veggies! We're determined to try this spring!