Once I had a c-section with Amelie, the decision was made to start using cloth diapers when she was around two months old, which is what we did, and it worked out really well. She was in cloth diapers exclusively except for vacations, the occasional lapse in laundry, etc. until Violet was born. When that occurred, they were both in disposables until Violet was two months old, when we resumed using cloth. That was the plan when Linus was born, but since I was in the hospital for the month before he was born, Violet has been in disposables for an extra month. I'll also add that when our children are in disposables, we have exclusively used Pampers. We felt that they were superior over the other major brands.
Upon Linus' birth, we were given some of every variety of disposable diapers--Huggies, Luvs, and Especially for Baby (the Babies R Us generic version). When Linus was in all of those varieties, he consistently had leaks. When he's in Pampers, leaks simply don't happen! Now I've heard the same thing from other parents, only with a different brand of diaper. Their children only stay dry in a particular brand. I find this so interesting. Is it because of how the child is built? For example. my children's body type best fits in Pampers, while my friend's child fits best in Huggies. What has been your experience? Do you have a favorite brand of diaper?
Oh, and the above picture? An 18-month old Amelie with a disposable swim diaper on her head, of course!
Hey Nancy,
We used to only use Pampers, but the price got to be a bit much. I will use anything now and haven't had trouble with leaks. When both kids were tiny, we tended to have more explosive diapers and Pampers and Luv's always worked great. We never had much success with Huggies. Now, we just grab the Wal-mart generic and we're good to go. :)
It depends on the age/stage. At first only Pampers were small enough. Then for a long time Huggies fit better. We're trying Pampers again now since I had a coupon. Same thing with the cloth diaper wraps. At different stages, different wraps fit better.
we leak every time with huggies. pampers cost too much. i LOVE luvs but we've been going with the sam's club variety. our kids just wear very large sizes to prevent leaks. you just can't beat the price . . .
Pampers and Huggies have worked for us. But we (as in the parents) like the way that Pampers are softer and smell better than Huggies. And we like the Sensitive Pampers wipes best thus far... of course it's only been a month. My feelings could change entirely in the coming years.
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