Sunday, January 10, 2010

Suspicious Comment

 Before I reject this comment, I had to share it: 

"Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!"

Did someone I know leave this?  Or is it spam?  Decide for yourself or confess to leaving it!


Lynn said...

That's hilarious!!! Was there a compliment hidden in there somewhere? Maybe clueless BJ's guy left it. ;o)

ChrisandMissy said...

I just got the same comment on my blog! Either we know the same odd person, or it's just spam. Maybe it's Blogger trying to drum up more posting? Strange. I'm glad you posted about it or I would have spent some time wondering what the deal was.

Mrs. Fix said...

Gotta be spam but at least it's not mean spam or spam trying to get you to buy something...