1. With the girls' birthdays and birth stories over the last several weeks, Linus info has been seriously lacking! On Sunday, March 2nd, Linus Victory Salada officially became a Covenant child, as he was baptized. Apparently, his cuteness make it hard for folks to listen to the pastor's warnings and admonitions. He didn't cry and enjoyed his feet throughout the time we were in front of the church.

2. And speaking of Linus, he turned six months on Friday, February 29th. I could hardly believe it! We had his six month well check-up on the following Friday, March 7th. He weighed 14 lbs. 1 oz (5th percentile!) and was 26.5 inches long (60th percentile, I think). He's a peanut! Or I guess I should say he's lean, right Heather? He got five immunizations and checked out well developmentally. He's still slow in that regard, but he's progressing at his own rate. He rolled over five times yesterday, front to back. And he's liking tummy time more and more these day. We started him on rice cereal with formula once a day and he's had carrots too. He's doing really well with it! Here's a picture from before his first feeding.

3. The time I've put into the e-bay stuff is obscene. I just tried to remind myself that this first time, I spent tons of time learning, which I won't have to do again. I hope that it's a good experience, in terms of successful sales, but I guess any amount of money over the cost of the listing fees is a good thing!
4. After months of feeling like many days of the week, particularly Amelie's school days, are hard, I've come to a realization. Life with three children is busy, can be crazy, is often hectic. A shower every other day is all I usually get. I've lost 20ish pounds since October, not by doing anything except living life. My children are full of energy and love and laughter. Life, from here on out, is going to be busy and often hard. But I can choose to sigh at the end of the day and say, almost complaining, what a hard day it was. Or, I can face each day as an exciting challenge and sigh with contentment at the day's end, for the richness of my life in this season. I get to color and play with play-doh, and play Old Maid, and read the same book over and over again, and go ice skating, and go for walks, and snuggle sleepy kids, and play pretend and peek-a-boo. I continually remind myself that in a few short years, I will miss all of it!
5. As a New Year's resolution of sorts, I decided that Duncan and I were going to go out on a date once a month. We've successfully done it three times already! He started it by trying to surprise me back in January. Then in February, we were invited to a couples Valentine's dinner at a friend's house from church, and then we went out to dinner this past Friday night. We laughed at how quickly the meal goes when it's just the two of us! I think we're both so used to eating so fast, so we can help little people with their meals, as well. It's been a good thing for us and I look forward to continuing it.
6. The ladies' retreat for our church is this Friday-Saturday and I'm very much looking forward to it. Linus is coming with me, of course. He was with me last year too, I guess! It's becoming a tradition!
I'm sure there was more I wanted to say, but that seems like enough for now. Hopefully, I'll get to leaving some comments sometime soon!
Yes, lean..but not as lean as Dylan. I think he weighed less than 13 lbs at his 6 month. It's funny though, I think we've had just as many people think that Dylan is big for his age as people say that he is lean. The people that say he is big usually don't know much about kids and I guess are just trying to make conversation but still...
The feeding pic reminded me that you gave us Adam's bib! It's so funny to see that exact same bib but with a different name on it! Anyway, congrats on moving up to feedings...Adam was a horrible eater and never ate any baby food, ever, so whenever I hear about babies eating rice cereal I do a little cheer for the mommy! Wahoo!
Rock and I would like to thank you and Linus for driving us to the retreat and for being awesome roommates! And thanks for the reminder about relishing these crazy days. You are right -- we will miss it someday.
1. Linus does look very distracting and cute up there. Welcome to the Covenant family sweet boy.
2. Yea!!! He's healthy!!!
3. Too bad I missed the auctions. Did you make some dough?
4. Busy but oh so good. Again, YOU LOOK GREAT!!!
5. Good for you! Glad you are enjoying some special time with your hubbie. The best gift you can give your children (after a love for Christ) is to see a healthy, loving marriage.
6. I missed ya'll this year....hopefully I'll be back next year. I LOVE that retreat!!!
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