The result of cupcake number one at lunchtime with Grandma Barb and Grandpa Ed.

What better way to celebrate than with chocolate cake and buttercream frosting (and no bib!! I seriously need to do some laundry!)?

gonna get daddy!!
One year ago, at just about this time, this picture was taken. To date, it has the most hits on our photo website. Violet weighed 10 lb. 10.5 oz. at birth. (We'll find out on Tuesday for sure, but I don't think she's even doubled her weight yet.)

the presents

Violet tries out her newly-painted chair.
Cute! Happy Birthday Violet! We were thinking of you yesterday!
Happy Birthday Violet. I hope we can meet someday. You're only 45 minutes older than me!
Love, Lucy Ellis
Happy Birthday Violet! I hope we can meet some day! You're only 45 minutes older than me.
Love, Lucy Ellis
I wanna meet you too, Lucy! It's so fun to have a birthday buddy!
Love, Violet
Lisa-Can I leave comments for you or do you have that feature deactivated?
Saturday was fun - boy, Amelie was "sugared up" - I hope she was able to get to sleep!!
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