First things first:
Happy Birthday to my sister, Karen!
Hope you're having a great day!!!
The follwing pictures go with a post that is BELOW all of them. Once again, the photos are not in the order of my liking, but, quite frankly, I don't have any more time to devote to this right now! So mixed-up and out-of-order is what you get today. Enjoy!
Amelie sails the boats during bathtime.

Amelie and Duncan paint their boats using the paints Amelie got for Christmas from the McDermotts.

Violet is bundled up at the parade.

Duncan and Amelie watch as the parade goes by.

Matthew keeps Violet from going up the stairs (which she did while we were in Raleigh!)

Megan, Duncan&Amelie, and Patrick decorate gingerbread houses while the grandparents, great grandparents, and moms look on.

Sarah, Amelie, and Allison work on their sewing projects.

As you can tell, my updates have waned as Christmas has been getting closer. This has not been intentional, just the nature of the time of year, I suppose. The following has happened since I last posted:
1. We flew down to Raleigh to visit my sister, Kathy, and her family at their new home.
2. Violet turned 10 months old!
3. I went to my book club where we discussed A Thousand Resurrections by Maria Garriott. I HIGHLY recommend it!
4. I finished decorating our house for Christmas.
5. We all developed colds (yes, again)
6. I ordered and received our Christmas cards and I finished our Christmas letter. (I'm still in the process of assembling them.)
7. Amelie and I wrapped many Christmas presents together.
8. Duncan was elected a deacon of our church.
9. We went to the St. Michael's Christmas parade and made gingerbread houses (thanks to my sister, Karen!).
10. Duncan and Amelie made paper boats, painted them, and sailed them in the bath tub(thanks to the directions in Curious George Rides a Bike).
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